Reduced AICP Exam Fee Scholarships 2018

 The AICP Exam Fee Scholarship program was established to offer assistance to individuals who may defer taking or are unable to take the AICP exam because of the cost. We encourage you to submit names of individuals from your chapter with financial barriers to becoming AICP members.  


Scholarship recipients pay reduced fees to AICP as follows: 

  • Approved AICP applicants: $75 (exam fee only. The fee is reduced from $425 to $75)
    • All applicants pay the $70 application fee
  •  NEW! AICP Candidate Pilot Program Participants – you can award a scholarship to these individuals but please note that their exam registration fee will only be reduced by $25 (exam fee only. The fee is reduced from $100 to $75).
    • We are discussing an alternative scholarship for this group starting in 2019.


To take advantage of this program for 2018:

  •  Identify qualified individuals (using word of mouth and/or chapter newsletters to promote this initiative).  We suggest that those who think they might qualify send you a brief letter or note showing how they meet the criteria listed below.


Once you have selected the individual(s) for the reduced exam fee, please send the name(s) and APA ID number(s) to the attention of Eric Roach at Please submit the names by October 1, 2018 for the November 2018 testing window.

  • Once we receive a Scholarship recipient’s name and verify availability of the chapter’s scholarship(s), we will inform you. It is your role to inform the recipient. 
  • We will then preset the candidate’s application type to “SCHOLARSHIP” so they are charged the $75 exam fee when they register to take the exam.
  •  If a scholarship applicant has already paid the $425 exam fee, we will refund it. Refunds generally take up to five weeks to process.


Please note that the awarding of a scholarship does not guarantee that a recipient will be approved to take the AICP Exam. The exam application will be evaluated like any other.

  • Please keep the nomination/selection of scholarship recipients strictly confidential.
  • Unused scholarships: This opportunity will be available during the November 2018 window. The process for the May 2018 window will proceed as usual with Chapters using their allotted amount. – There are plenty of unused scholarships!


Reduced AICP Exam Fee Scholarship Selection Guidelines  

Applicants submit a written explanation of financial hardship (including financial hardship caused by a budget cutback in a firm or agency), which necessitates the request.

  • Members of minorities should be given preference.
  • The applicant(s) selected will be otherwise unlikely to take the exam without the reduced fee.
  • The applicant’s employer will not subsidize the exam fee.


It is ultimately up to each chapter PDO to decide what constitutes financial hardship. The guidelines above merely provide the general framework. The final scholarship recipient selection rests with the PDO and is final.